red brick wall with live, work, create. quote

Find out if your work life is currently balanced so you can focus on the areas of your life that truly matter. With this work life balance quiz, you can discover if your work has been adding stress and anxiety when it shouldn’t be. 

How good are you at balancing various aspects of your life? Since everything is not equally important in life, it is crucial to have the right balance for you at this point in time. Not to mention, part of achieving the right balance involves knowing your values and priorities. Wouldn’t you want to allocate more time to those areas when time is limited.

People often look at work/life balance as having an equal balance between the two. They view it as a balanced scale. This conception of balance is not the best because it does not take into account an individual’s current goals and priorities which can change over time. Did you know that this assessment provides a comprehensive look at finding a balance between work, family, friends, activities, exercise, and time alone. It takes into account the right balance for you at this point in time. The results will give you an indication of how well you have currently achieved the balance that is right for you right now.

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Instructions for your Work Life Balance Quiz

Please complete all items. Rate each item on a scale of 1-5.

Select the answer that best represents your feelings, thoughts, and behaviors regarding your desired balance. Choose how true each statement is to you.

*Please allow 10-15 mins to complete this assessment. 

Select Next to get started!

Welcome to your Work Life Balance Quiz

I often find that I am focusing a lot more of my time and energy on one aspect of my life than I would like.

2- Lately, I have felt upset because so much of my time has been dedicated to my work and I have had little time for my family or friends.

3- Given my current priorities in life, I feel I am making a sacrifice right now.

4- The fact that I have not been able to exercise or do recreational activities lately has been causing me distress.

5- I am not happy about the huge investment that my career or other aspect of my life has been lately.

6- I know all the aspects that I would like to have included in my ideal life and some of them are definitely missing.

7- My close family members, significant others, and friends have recently told me that I am overwhelmed in certain areas and neglect others. This really bothers me and I think it’s true.

8- I often have thoughts like, “I wish I was able to do more of…”

9- I have dreams at night that I sometimes do not want to wake up from because in them I am doing all the things I want to do.

10- My life is well-balanced right now. However, I actually wish I was doing even more of one thing and less of another.

11- My mood has been down or negative lately because I am frustrated that I am not doing something that is important to me since I have to spend so much time doing something that is not so important to me.

12- I commonly have thoughts like, “If only I could win the lottery or make it big, I would not be working so hard.”

13- I have always wanted to do several important things, but am not able to do any of them right now because there simply is not time in the day.

15- In the past two weeks, someone has observed that I spend a huge amount of time doing a certain activity. That got me thinking that I didn't want to spend so much time on that activity.

16- On a typical day, I feel uninspired and I lack the energy to do what I need to get done.

17- I often feel like I am missing out on the things that mean the most to me.

18- It is typical for me to think that I have made poor decisions about how to invest my time and energy.

19 – I frequently think, “wouldn’t it be amazing if I could do more of the things that bring me the most satisfaction or joy?”

20 – When I think about what I have done over the past month, I feel sad because I realize all of the things I have not done that I wanted to.

21- At least two people have told me lately that I have been complaining a lot about the lack of balance in my life.

22- I do not feel in control of my life or future.

23- I am not really sure what my priorities are right now, so I find myself trying to do too much.

24- Significant people in my life have complained that they do not spend enough time with me and this bothers me.

25- Since I am trying to do too much, I end up sacrificing areas that could impact on my health, such as sleep, proper nutrition, or exercise.

26- I know that some people can devote most of their lives to one area and feel happy doing that, but I have been doing that and it makes me feel miserable.

27- I sometimes find it hard to get the energy to get going since I do not want to do the things I need to do.

I have trouble saying no to things I do not want to take on and as a result, I am doing a lot of things I have little interest in.

I feel that I am doing many things because I have to, not because I want to. This idea often upsets me.

At least a couple of people have told me that I do not seem fulfilled and that I often talk about what I would rather be doing in other areas of my life.

14- I find that I get frustrated often because I am not able to spend time with my family/friends or have some time for myself.

I sometimes find it hard to get the energy to get going since I do not want to do the things I need to do.

I know that some people can devote most of their lives to one area and feel happy doing that, but I have been doing that and it makes me feel miserable.

Since I am trying to do too much, I end up sacrificing areas that could impact on my health, such as sleep, proper nutrition, or exercise.

Significant people in my life have complained that they do not spend enough time with me and this bothers me.

I am not really sure what my priorities are right now, so I find myself trying to do too much.

I do not feel in control of my life or future.

At least two people have told me lately that I have been complaining a lot about the lack of balance in my life.

When I think about what I have done over the past month, I feel sad because I realize all of the things I have not done that I wanted to.

I frequently think, “wouldn’t it be amazing if I could do more of the things that bring me the most satisfaction or joy?”

It is typical for me to think that I have made poor decisions about how to invest my time and energy.

I often feel like I am missing out on the things that mean the most to me.

On a typical day, I feel uninspired and I lack the energy to do what I need to get done.

In the past two weeks, someone has observed that I spend a huge amount of time doing a certain activity. That got me thinking that I didn't want to spend so much time on that activity.

Lately, I have felt upset because so much of my time has been dedicated to my work and I have had little time for my family or friends.

Given my current priorities in life, I feel I am making a sacrifice right now.

The fact that I have not been able to exercise or do recreational activities lately has been causing me distress.

I am not happy about the huge investment that my career or other aspect of my life has been lately.

I know all the aspects that I would like to have included in my ideal life and some of them are definitely missing.

My close family members, significant others, and friends have recently told me that I am overwhelmed in certain areas and neglect others. This really bothers me and I think it’s true.

I often have thoughts like, “I wish I was able to do more of…”

I have dreams at night that I sometimes do not want to wake up from because in them I am doing all the things I want to do.

My life is well-balanced right now. However, I actually wish I was doing even more of one thing and less of another.

My mood has been down or negative lately because I am frustrated that I am not doing something that is important to me since I have to spend so much time doing something that is not so important to me.

I commonly have thoughts like, “If only I could win the lottery or make it big, I would not be working so hard.”

I have always wanted to do several important things, but am not able to do any of them right now because there simply is not time in the day.

I find that I get frustrated often because I am not able to spend time with my family/friends or have some time for myself.

brown wooden signage near green trees during daytime

If you are here, that tells me you may not be ready to find the results of your work life balance with the quiz above. Are just finding ways to read more information. Through cognitive behavioral therapy, I have discovered that most of what we know and what stops us in our lives is our beliefs. That little voice in your head that seems to be controlling everything. Do you even have to listen to it?

Do you have limited beliefs?

Did you know that limited beliefs can become part of your life and stop you from being who you want to be. Learn which one you may be using and why they are detrimental to your own mental health and growth.

  • Do you see the world in black and white?
  • Do you have a hard time letting go of other peoples actions?

As mentioned, we all have these little voices in our heads that are there to provide us advice, sometimes to warn us of any dangers. Have noticed lately that it’s there all the time and maybe even holding you back. Learning about your own limited thinking patterns is the first step towards your personal growth.

Continue Reading about 15 limited thinking patterns

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woman in black tank top sitting on brown wooden dock during daytime

Is holistic health what you are seeking?

Have you been trying to improve your own life, but everything that people do, diet, extreme weight loss for example is not what you are looking for? Holistic Health is not only taking the physical aspect but your entire body as a whole. You know as well as I do that stress in your body shows up in different places.

The direct definition is: “holistic health is an approach to wellness that simultaneously addresses the physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual components of health.”

Don’t forget, your body is a wonderful mechanism. Shouldn’t it be able to heal part of it on its own? Are the life choices you make negatively affecting you? Are the choices you make impacting your life, maybe even making you sicker? Wherever you come from, all these patterns and behaviours can be updated so it all makes sense to you. You are allowed to wake up in the morning and feel good, about yourself, your life, your work etc. That’s what holistic health is about and the work-life balance quiz is one area that is a big trigger for a lot of people.

Some of the areas you can learn to work on are:

  • Personal Growth
  • Relationships
  • Health
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Money
  • Life Purpose

If you rolled your eyes at some of them, it might mean that these are some of the areas to improve on. It’s not done in one day, but over time all the decisions you make will matter.

Continue reading about what is holistic health

closeup photography of plant on ground

Last thing to know about work-life balance

Have you noticed that your life is out of wack lately? You may have been lashing out at the wrong person and that makes you feel bad. You get angry or stressed about things that maybe you shouldn’t be. That can be a sign that your work-life balance is not in the right place. It may not be the only thing, but with the quiz above you can find out if that is one contributing factor.

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