Girl drinking coffee on a chair

5 Simple Tips On How To Wake Up Early In The Morning

Have you tried tips on how to wake up early in the morning and press the snooze button before dawn?

Whenever I get a new idea in my head, I get so motivated. Maybe I heard some new tips that will do it and I will finally be able to wake up early in the morning. I set up everything and the next day, I will try for 5 am and I will work out! Usually the first day I probably can, but ask again in a few weeks and well, that motivation went out the window…

Why would you ever want to be up this early anyway? As we get older, our responsibilities increase and our workday becomes longer. The idea of sleeping in until 11 am to 1 pm seems nice, but not realistic any more. We all have jobs, families, maybe kids and hobbies or sports to do and more. It’s all about the routine you will build for yourself. You might have already heard all the tips on how to wake up early in the morning and believe you are just not a morning person.

Did you know, it takes about 6 weeks for your brain and body to get accustomed to a new routine, what can you do until this is a thing of the past and waking up every morning is not a daunting task?

Whether you are an early riser or not, the effect of light does affect our capability to get up early. Find out more from the CDC here.

5 Simple Tips On How To Wake Up Early In The Morning

What to expect from this article

In this article, you’ll find practical tips and tricks to help you successfully wake up 1 hour earlier in the morning, be more mindful of your choices, and reduce the amount of stress you might get from the morning rush. You’ll learn how to set goals, stay positive, and make the most of your morning. It’s one way to start a new project, even if that project is working on yourself, it’s another to understand why.

Have you tried to start a new fitness routine in the morning, because you heard somewhere that it was a healthier way to start the day? Set up your alarm at 5 or 6 and hit the snooze button until 7 or 8. Make yourself feel guilty for once again, not being able to do it. Why can’t you? So many others are. But unfortunately, you always end up falling back into your old habits. What’s going on here?

You might have a house full of little ones that requires all your time and it feels like a constant rush when you get up. Getting ready and everyone else’s is chaotic and stressful. Trying to wake up your teenagers is the worst thing possible, making everyone’s breakfast and lunch on top of being presentable for your day at work while keeping everyone else on schedule. When are you supposed to work out or just enjoy a quiet peaceful morning for yourself? Maybe when you retire?

I am here to tell you, it doesn’t have to be this way. You just need to include the right tips to wake up earlier in the morning.

This post contains affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission, at no extra cost to you, if you make a purchase using this link, you may allow me to buy coffee while I write! Please see my disclosure for more details.

Mindfulness is the key to everything

Mindfulness is all about slowing down and being present in the moment. You can set up time for yourself in the morning to have a calm, positive time before the day’s chaos hits. By being mindful and aware of what is happening from the inside out, you will be able to create a perspective on what is working and what is not.

If you are currently rolling your eyes at me when I ask you to think of your morning routine, mindfulness can help you. With a little focus and dedication, it’s possible to make significant changes. It’s not because you have been an insomniac your entire life that you can’t change it. We all can change. It’s just not easy.

Stories from a mom. I mean me

Like many others, waking up early was dreadful for me. Until I got a full-time job and I was compelled to wake up before the sun was up. I had to be at work at 7 am, which meant waking up at 5 am in my twenties. My mornings were rough. I chugged a bucket of coffee and I slept on my way to work for the most part. I never had the energy to appreciate being up that early truly.

That changed after having my daughter, who has an early bedtime. The time I had for myself was reduced to, well, nothing. I realized quickly I would have to either wake up one hour earlier or go to bed a lot later, but that seemed impossible. I would have to change my schedule to go to bed earlier, get enough sleep and wake up extra early in the morning.

After a full day at work, picking up a 1-year-old, prepping for supper and the bedtime routine, I was out at 9 pm. So waking up early was the way to go.

Find your goals and priorities, and make your habit real

The following section is divided into what you can do the night before to help you rise early, and the more proactive steps you can take in the morning to help you wake up on time. Trust me, the more you can do for yourself and your family before going to bed, the more time you gain in your morning.

Exercise to determine your priorities and goals

On a piece of paper, or your phone, that works also, separate your paper into 4 columns. Write down everything you currently “have to do” every morning in the first column.

From getting yourself ready to making breakfast, making lunches, prepping supper etc.

In the second column, put an x next to each task that could be accomplished the day before. I know how changing what you are currently doing might be hard. If a friend would call you with a similar problem, would you recommend them to do the same thing they are doing repeatedly? No, you would suggest they try something different. It’s not set in stone forever, but there might be good things that come out of it.

In the third column, write down 2 or 3 things you would like to do in the morning that you are currently not doing. Don’t make this list too long. The longer the list, the worse you might feel about not being about to do them all. By adding 2 or 3 small things, it will be more sustainable. After a while, when they are now part of your morning routine, you can add other ones.

In the fourth column, write in a few words how will it make you feel to start these new tasks in your morning routine.

If you need some help to track your goals, I have created on my Etsy Shop a few trackers either for the month or the year!

Shop Here!

5 Tips on how to wake up early in the morning

Finally, let’s get started on how to get you up early, feeling good about yourself and ready to start the day! I am not one to believe in an all-or-nothing mindset. Slow changes over time are easier to keep and bring into a routine. If at the end of this, you do 1 out of 5 tips that is 20% better already! If you decide to keep trying or start making changes today, taking the first step is the hardest part. So keep trying, and remember that one small step can make a difference!

person holding red and beige twin bell analog alarm clock

Organize The Day Before – Get Ready for a Peaceful Morning for Yourself

Tip 1: How to Setup Your Alarm and never snooze again

  • Don’t sleep next to your phone. Leave your phone on the other side of the room so you’re not tempted to check it in the middle of the night. Check before bedtime that your alarm is set
  • Set up your alarm 30 minutes before you want it to go off, and you may change that timing as soon as it becomes automatic.
  • Don’t snooze that alarm, no matter what your brain says, and get up right now!

I promise when your feet touch the ground it will be better, be more mindful, this is for you. It is your time to get your mind and body ready before the world around you wakes up. This is your opportunity to take a deep breath, close your eyes, and meditate for a few minutes.
If you miss one day, don’t be hard on yourself, one day at a time, one small action! Be kind to yourself.

Tip 2 – Prepare Your Morning to Avoid Rush and be Chaotic

If you choose to work out, you will have to prepare some of your stuff the day before you can’t back out in the morning.

What to do if you are going to train in the morning: 

  • Prepare your clothes the night before
  • Check the temperature, you don’t want to get ready and realize it’s 10 degrees less
  • If you are using a watch for tracking, make sure it is charged and ready to go

If you decide that working out in the morning is not your thing, but find out that doing it will make you more relaxed and allow you some peace in your day, follow the following tips.

What to do the night before for everyone

Make sure your headphones are easy to find and charge and put them in an easy-to-reach location. Even if you’re not planning on listening to music, as soon as you get out of bed, or even before, put your headphones on and start your morning with some tunes!

What’s with the headphones and why they can help you wake up early

Benefits of listening to music and why your headphones are important:

  • Boost memory
  • Build focus
  • Lighten your mood
  • Reduce anxiety and depression
  • Reduce Fatigue
  • Help you work out more effectively

Benefits were provided by North Shore University

iPhone with EarPods beside feathers

What should you do every morning

Tip 3: Get ready! Music, Taste, Smell, Physical and Mental Health!

After sprinting to your phone, stopping your alarm, putting on your headphones, and listening to something.

Find my best morning playlist on Spotify, personally, I am not a big fan of heavy or too calm in the morning, find something that works for you.

If you are going for a run, bike ride or walk: 

  • Get dressed and go, don’t ask questions.

I know it can be tough to decide to start exercising. Your brain might want to fight it, but you need to have a clear goal and idea of why exercising will be important for you. Maybe you want to reach a specific weight loss goal, or maybe you’ve registered for a race. Having a clear mindset and a connection to your purpose will help you make the best decisions.

What to do to reduce stress after your workout

When you come back from your morning exercise, apply the rest of your morning routine below. Allowing your brain to calm down and create a positive environment.

What to do if you just want to wake up early and create a peaceful morning 

  • Drink a glass of water
  • Make yourself an herbal tea, avoid caffeine first thing in the morning
  • Light up either a candle, incense or an essential oil diffuser, if you have one
  • Sit on your yoga mat and do some easy stretching!

“Stretching first thing in the morning can relieve any tension or pain from sleeping the night before. It also helps increase your blood flow and prepares your body for the day ahead. Stretching before bed relaxes your muscles and helps prevent you from waking up with more pain.” – Read more from South Dakota State University.

Beat the Burnout – with music (Corporate Pack)

Music to Reduce Stress

Go on fun, engaging and immersive musical journeys to emerge feeling awesome!

7 Amazing Benefits of Music

  • Be stress-free and release negative emotions
  • Have more focus & concentration
  • Get more done in less time
  • Have a positive mindset
  • Build positive daily habits
  • Feel energized even after a long day
  • Feel happy, here & now (without waiting)

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Tip 4: Why Journaling Can Help Reduce Stress

  • Find a book or an app (I use Pandy, only available on the App Store)
  • Journal before the world wakes up

Download Pandy

The benefits of journaling

We all have a lot on our minds. Let’s remember that putting it down on paper or an app on your phone is a great way to get rid of all of it. Write down anything and everything you can think of, it doesn’t matter. Some will be good and some will be bad. No judgment. What’s important is that you get your thoughts out of your head and onto paper or into an app. It doesn’t matter if some of your ideas are good and some are bad, as long as you get them out of your head and onto paper or into an app.

Even if some of them are completely false, don’t judge, and instead, let go of some frustration or harmful beliefs. This helps to start fresh and move forward.

Tip 5: Morning Guided Meditation

Meditate for at least 5 minutes and enjoy the darkness and how quiet your home can be this early in the morning.

Some benefits of morning meditation

  • Boost your mood
  • Improve focus
  • Improve productivity
  • Lower level of stress and anxiety

I would suggest, even if you did a workout, first thing out of bed. Allow yourself to calm down when you are done, do some light stretching and still meditate and journal. If you aren’t sure where to start with your meditation, continue reading about the different types of meditation and their benefits.

There is nothing better after a cold winter morning run than to come home and drink hot tea!
Insight Timer has great meditation, donation-based! Download Here

Summaries of the 5 best tips on how to wake up early in the morning

The idea here is to appeal to all your senses

  • music for your ears
  • herbal tea for your taste
  • candle or incense for your sense of smell
  • journal for your touch
  • meditation for your mental health
  • physical exercise for physical health

Wouldn’t you want to wake up every morning feeling refreshed, instead of tired and worn out? Waking up and enjoying a cup of tea without the family asking you 500 questions about where you were, what you were doing, and who you were with?

Not feeling guilty or regretful, because you once again push a workout to tomorrow because you ended up with no time.
Let me know if you try it! I am hopeful these tips to wake up early in the morning will help! I would love to hear your feedback.

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